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Ways to Avoid Losing Your Car Keys or Fobs

Studies show that an average American spends about 10 minutes in a day looking for a lost item; it could be car keys or anything. This translates to 60 hours in a year. What this lost time could do is immense, and you need to get worried if this is you. Of course, everyone at some point becomes forgetful and never remembers where they placed some items. However, to get this 10 minutes back, there are several practical ways you could get in control of items such as car keys and avoid paying hefty prices for key replacement whenever they are lost. Learn more here.

Get a Key Ring

As cliché as this might sound, many still ignore this factor. It is easier to lose a single key than a branch of them put together. See here for information about What to Do if You Have a Broken Key in Ignition.

Use Bluetooth Tracker

Since a majority of keys today have the bow coated with plastic, it is easier to insert a tracker that you can monitor through various apps available in the app store. For fobs, this is simplified since the remotes already have chips in them.

Cross Check Before Leaving

Every time you are about to leave a place, be it a restaurant, your house, office or car, check whether you have your keys with you.

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