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Enjoy the Kansas City Museum in Missouri

The Kansas City Museum in Missouri, is a museum which was designed by the world-famous architectural designer, Louis Sullivan. This beautiful museum was constructed over a century ago and has been a center of attraction since then. This amazing museum is a masterpiece of art and a testament to American craftsmanship and innovation. Over one hundred years since its completion, this museum is still the premier place for learning and inspiration. A visit to this unique museum is sure to leave a lasting impression on you. Click here for facts about Kansas City, MO.

The Museum is housed in the historic Bank of America building located in downtown Michigan City, Indiana. Located just minutes from Downtown Indianapolis, this location is close enough to reach but far enough away that visitors are not lost in a maze of streets and museums. Many of the popular attractions in this area are accessible by car, such as the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Visitors who do not have their own car can rent one or visit one of the nearby motels or bed and breakfast hotels. Tourists who do not have their own car can park in one of the many surrounding lots and get a shuttle service to take them to the museum and back home. There is also a bus tour that will take visitors all throughout the entire grounds of the museum. The museum is open every day from May through October and admission to the museum is free. Click here to read about The History of the Jacob L. Loose Park in Kansas City, MO.

For those who enjoy history and art, there is no better place to go than the Kansas City Museum in Missouri. This magnificent building showcases the most modern technology of the time, including computerized images, prints, and sculptures. There are also many educational activities available to keep children entertained while they enjoy the museum.

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