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Unique Bars in St. Louis, MO


If you want an excellent destination that will treat you to a perfect treat of bar experience, St. Louis got your back. A lot of entertaining stuff always takes place in bars, and whatever you wish to pursue is in town. Several bars are in line for you here in town, but here are few unique ones only a few people know about. Find further facts here.

360 Rooftop

This is the only bar that will give you a splendid rooftop view of the city. Soaring nearly four hundred feet above downtown St. Louis’s, this bar offers guests a perfect view of different attractive stuff in the city from the Gateway Arch to a marvelous view of the mighty Mississippi River. The best experience from this bar is that you will enjoy an aerial view of matches at Busch Stadium with a drink on your hand. Read about Here Are the Top Hotels in St. Louis, MO here.

314 The City Bar

Another perfect bar for entertainment full of drinks, cocktails, food, music, and seasonal events. It is located downtown, and you will not ask more than two people for direction before you find yourself there. Pets are welcomed as well and never shy away from coming with your lovely pet.

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