A little bit of history about Agnes Park in Kansas City, Missouri: It was built by a couple of brothers and their families. They had been part of the Sturgis Army Corp and went to the war. They lived in Kansas City and then moved to Sturgis, North Dakota. After a time they came back to Kansas City and opened the park as a summer home for their family. Over the years the park has evolved and has grown into an amusement park with different rides. In addition, it has restaurants, camping facilities, a playground, and a skating rink. Learn more here.
If you have never visited Agnes Park in Kansas City, Missouri, then you are missing out on a lot of fun and entertainment. There are many things to do at Agnes Park. You can go rollerblading, tubing, or play miniature golf. You can even rent mini ATVs to explore the terrain at the park. You can also go karting. There are also picnic areas where you can cook up some scrumptious food while you sit in your cool tent or enjoy the cool breeze. There is even a clubhouse that serves lunch and dinner to those who stay over. The playhouse inside Agnes Park in Kansas City, Missouri is well designed, with a lighted ceiling, a large play area, a couple of benches around the perimeter, and a few chairs around the playhouse itself. The playhouse has an all-white room with a few tables and a few chairs, surrounded by white walls. One of the playhouse's amenities is a play set containing four small children dressed up as cows, pigs, rabbits, and ducks. These are the kids who will run up and down the slide, climb the rope bridge, and slide on the wooden swing. While the children are all inside of their play set, parents can also sit at one of the picnic tables in the park and enjoy the scenery while they wait for the kids to come outside. Learn more about The Entertainment and Relaxation at Washington Square Park in Kansas City, MO.
Agnes Park in Kansas City, Missouri is a fun place to visit. It is not only relaxing, and interesting, but also a place that children will really enjoy. Even the older kids will have a great time exploring all the different rides and attractions at the park. You can also check out the restaurant that serves snacks and burgers while you relax. There is always something fun to do at Agnes Park in Kansas City, Missouri. No matter what type of event you are having, you can count on this park to provide you with everything you need. Don't forget to bring your camera because this is a fun place to take pictures.